“’Til I Want No More,” by Robin W. Pearson

When Her Past Caught Up!

Her past just walked in when her old boyfriend, JD, seemed to materialize out of nowhere in the restaurant Maxine had just eaten at with her fiancé, Teddy.

She has kept most of the details of her time with JD a secret. She knows if everything comes out, her life will fall apart, and so will her sister’s.

Robin W. Pearson's writing sprouts from her Southern roots and her love of her husband and children

To make things more complicated for Maxine, Teddy’s pastor is giving the two of them pre-marital counseling. This is not a class for the ainthearted. The questions he asks, and the assignments he gives them, are adding lots more stress to her life. Plus, now that JD is back in town, he is determined to be a part of her life.

Southern fiction and southern romance fiction lovers will enjoy Robin W. Pearson's new book.

Maxine desperately wants to find a way to keep her secrets, get married, and go on with the life she had planned. She doesn’t know if that is a possibility because something has got to give.Fans of black authors best sellers will enjoy Walking in Tall Weeds, a historical fiction book.

This story will capture your heart as you follow all the twists and turns Maxine’s life takes, including a surprise you won’t see coming. Faith is woven throughout this tale in a beautiful way. Words of wisdom are spoken about Maxine that could wisely be applied in real-life.

It is a shame these characters aren’t real because they would be good friends. Fans of real-life, well-written stories will enjoy this five-star, clean book.

Thank you to the author for providing Tickmenot with a complimentary copy of, “’Til I Want No More,” for the purpose of review. I have not been compensated in any other manner. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal.

The Author’s Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/RobinWPearson/

The Author’s Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/robinwpearson/

The Author’s Website:  https://robinwpearson.com/


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