“Super Swifts: Small Birds with Amazing Powers,” by Justin Anderson

Surprising Swifts!

Swifts can fit in the palm of your hand, but they fly faster, higher, and longer than any other bird.  Every year, they fly from central Africa to the United Kingdom in a month.

Part of their journey includes flying over the huge Sahara Desert of 1500 miles.  Swifts have been known to make the trip in just two days.  While other birds stop to rest and drink water, the swifts keep going, making no stops at all.

They eat while flying, rely on raindrops for drinks and bathing, and even sleep in the air.  In fact, sometimes they do not quit flying for four years. Scientists offer theories about how they can do that.

These birds are incredible and they mate for life, finding each other again after arriving in Britain.  They are so happy when they get there, that the birds celebrate.  While in the sky, they dive, dart, and chase each other.  At the same time, making sounds like loud fireworks. It is a wonder to behold.

Swifts are surprising birds, and there is lots more to learn about them in this wonderfully illustrated picture book.  Six to ten-year-olds will enjoy the amazing swifts in this five-star book.

Thank you, Candlewick Books, for providing Tickmenot with a complimentary copy of, “Super Swifts: Small Birds with Amazing Powers,” by Justin Anderson for the purpose of review. I have not been compensated in any other manner. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal.


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