“Unforgiven,” by Shelley Shepard Gray

A Second Chance?

Seth has been leaving food and doing outdoor chores for Tabitha. They are an unlikely pair. He is an ex-con who went to prison because he prevented a rape. Tabitha is a shell of her former self after her abusive husband, Leon, tried to kill her. He did cause the death of the baby she was carrying. That led to Leon’s imprisonment, and Tabitha’s divorce from him.

Seth and Tabitha are two good people that have suffered a lot, and are now shunned by most of the Amish community they were once a part of.New from Shelley Shepard Gray

As time goes on, Tabitha summons the courage to speak with Seth when he comes to help. Slowly, they build a sweet relationship. But hanging over them are the threats Leon made to Tabitha as he was taken to jail, saying he would come back and make her pay. He is counting on the community being silent once again as he takes his revenge out on her.

This is a page turner as you read on to find out if Seth and Tabitha can finally have a happy life, or if Leon will become the terror he threatened to be.Publishers Weekly review

The side stories of Seth’s sister, Melonie, and Lott, the one who is courting her, bring some humor, and angst to the tale. Melonie’s mom’s attempt at matchmaking is a hoot.

Fair warning, some details of the physical abuse are given, but it is not much, and is mostly glossed over. Faith plays a part in this clean, five-star book, along with the need to forgive.  Fans of suspense, and Amish people facing real-life issues will enjoy this tale.Nancy Mehl endorsement

Thank you, Revell Books, for providing Tickmenot with a complimentary copy of, “Unforgiven,” by Shelley Shepard Gray, for the purpose of review. I have not been compensated in any other manner. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal.

The Author’s Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ShelleyShepardGray?fref=ts

The Author’s Twitter:  https://x.com/ShelleySGray

The Author’s Website:  https://shelleyshepardgray.com/


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