“Can Bears Ski” by Raymond Antrobus

Illustrated by Polly Dunbar











Can You Hear Me?

Little bear is confused.  He is constantly asked, “can bears ski”?  It happens at school and at home.  He doesn’t know the answer.  When there is a sound, little bear speaks of the vibration, or the things he feels when there is a noise, instead of the words spoken.  One day, he goes to a special doctor for hearing, and his world changes.

This book has two goals:  to tell a fun and interesting story, along with introducing children to some things faced by a person with a hearing loss or is deaf.  Both goals are met by the author and the illustrator, who themselves have hearing losses.  Raymond is deaf, and Polly is partially deaf.  Because of that, the two bring first-hand knowledge to this tale. Even though little ones think they are only having story-time, actual learning is going on, too.  One way to bring additional insight about someone with a hearing loss would be to think of other words, or sentences, that might sound different.  For instance, the sentence, “can you hear me,” might sound like, “can bears ski?” Awareness of this and other challenges of hearing loss can clear up what may have seemed like a case of being ignored, to just a misunderstanding of words.I recommend this 5-star picture book.  It is hard-backed, over-sized, along with being well-illustrated, and it will be enjoyed by children through third grade.

Candlewick Publishers, for the purpose of review, has provided Tickmenot with a complimentary copy of, Can Bears Ski?  I have not been compensated in any other manner.  All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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One Response to “Can Bears Ski” by Raymond Antrobus

  1. Raymond Antrobus, this year’s Poet of the Fair at London Book Fair, has signed his first picture book deal with Walker Books. is about a father and son journey where Boy Bear struggles to fit into the hearing world. After a visit to the audiologist, Boy Bear suddenly realises just how loud life can be and Dad Bear discovers how he can better adapt to his son’s needs.

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