Happy, Happy, Happy
How about a new Bible?

“You’ve already got one,” you say, “and aren’t they all alike anyway?”
Actually, no, not all Bibles are alike. Today, there are many translations to choose from, and within them, a variety of types. Reading more than one kind of Bible can make God’s Word even more enlightening, and add a richer dimension to scripture. This one, in particular, has some things that no other edition contains–input from Phil and Al Robertson. Interspersed throughout both the Old and New Testaments are 104 commentaries, 52 written by each man.
Many may be familiar with Phil and Al Robertson from the television show, “Duck Dynasty.” Al is Phil’s oldest child, the only son without a beard. Fans of the program may not realize that Phil has a Bachelor’s
Degree in Physical Education and a Master’s Degree in Education. Al is an ordained minister, and has been in Christian ministry for more than 25 years. Phil gave up a life of drugs, alcohol and women when he had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ in the 1970s.
Values to live by.
The Robertson family strives to live by five core values: faith, family, fellowship, forgiveness and freedom. Their thoughts and writings all reflect those standards, and they have divided their commentaries into those five subjects. Phil and Al named their essays “Set Your Sights,” and there is a list of all of them in the front of the Bible which is called “52 Days”. They suggest reading one from the list each week. They even include a handy check box by each one so you can keep track of the ones read.
Besides including Phil or Al’s thoughts in each article, scriptures are referenced and specific page numbers are given to turn to for more on the subject. Each essay closes with a section called “On the Hunt” which has different key points to look for in the Bible, or to think about further.
There are 30 “Life Changers,” 15 articles written by each man in the front of the Bible. These contain true stories of lives that have been completely changed by the power of God. There is also a great welcome letter from Phil and Al.
Have a good conversation, sit awhile!
Both men demonstrate they are excellent writers, and it is apparent they put a lot of work and thought into all the articles. Their points of view are really eye opening and very interesting. Their reflections add a lot to the Biblical text, similar to the experience of listening to a talented pastor preach an interesting sermon on a text from scripture. Yet their writing is done in a very conversational tone, so it is not hard to understand. In fact, one feels as if they were having a one on one talk with Phil or Al when reading their words.
The Bible itself is well-made and hard backed. It is the complete New King James Version, and is part of the Signature Series from Thomas Nelson. The font is a normal size, with good subject headings and the beginning of each book is clearly marked. References are given at the bottom of each page. There is a topical index in the back, and a free download with Bible study tools. Phil and Al’s encouraging and entertaining commentaries add a lot to this 5-star Bible. It will make you happy, happy, happy–and I highly recommend it.
The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this Bible through The Thomas Nelson Publishing BookLook Bloggers Program for the purpose of review. I have not been compensated in any other manner. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Author’s Website: http://duckcommander.com
Author’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/duck_commander
Author’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDuckCommander