“Chronicles of Dinosauria,” written by Dave Woetzel and illustrated by Richard Dobbs

Book Cover Chronicles of Dinosauria







This book is a very creative presentation about dinosaurs written by Dave Woetzel.  Dave’s life-long interest in the creatures has earned him the name Dino Dave.  This book is unique in that it is made to look like a scrapbook with pictures, journal entries, and entire pages devoted to dinosaur data.  The many illustrations are wonderfully done by artist, Richard Dobbs, who has loved to draw these “terrible lizards” since he was a child.

In this book, the author wanted to cover five main points about dinosaurs:

  • Biblical evidence
  • Historical evidence
  • Artistic evidence
  • Fossil evidence
  • Cryptozoology evidence–the science of hidden animals.

The author has done a remarkable job presenting his case for dinosaurs being on the earth at the same time as man.  From the behemoth of Bible times, to the Ogopogo and the Loch Ness Monster of today, Dave Woetzel provides credible evidence for his stance.

He draws parallels between descriptions of “dragons” through the ages, Biblical occurrences including when the Israelites were wandering in the desert, and what we know of dinosaurs.  He is very convincing that dinosaurs have been with man since the Garden of Eden.  He persuasively theorizes that they are still with us today in the form of cryptids or hidden creatures.  These are animals that have yet to be officially discovered, but evidence is pointing to their existence.

I really liked the layout of the book–making it look like a scrapbook.  That format, along with all the great illustrations and pictures, made difficult terms and passages more readable and easier to understand.  There were also some “hands on” suggestions made to the to heighten the study of dinosaurs.

To be honest, I have never had much interest in these creatures, but this book really made the subject fascinating.  The author met the five objectives he wanted to cover, and I really liked that the book was done from a Biblical viewpoint.  In the end, both the author and illustrator give their testimonies, and their favorite Bible verse.  The book is over-sized, and is a pleasure to read.  This is a five star book that I highly recommend.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing for the purpose of review. All opinions expressed are my own, and I have not been compensated in any other manner. Despite my receiving the book free, it has not influenced my judgment, and I have given an honest opinion.

Author information:  http://www.nlpg.com/dave-woetzel

Author’s website:  http://www.genesispark.com/

Illustrator information:  http://www.nlpg.com/richard-dobbs

Illustrator website:  http://dobbsart.com/

This book is published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group: http://www.nlpg.com/


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One Response to “Chronicles of Dinosauria,” written by Dave Woetzel and illustrated by Richard Dobbs

  1. Thank you for this wonderful review!
    -Richard Dobbs

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