Book Giveaway “Enough: Ten Things We Should be Telling Teenage Girls” by Kate Conner*

Book Cover Enough

Do You Have Enough?

This book contains practical, common sense advice for teenage girls, mixed in with wisdom from the Bible.  It is based on a list the author made called, “Ten Things I Want to Tell Teenage Girls.”  She posted it on her blog during the wee hours one Sunday morning.  Later, when she came home from church, she found she had really struck a nerve because her blog had received hundreds of thousands of views.

In the book, the overriding theme is:  you are enough.  God loves you, and you don’t have to be anything more than what He created you to be, that is enough.  Girls can make themselves crazy trying to conform to the world’s idea of beauty.  They may change the color of their hair, change their skin tone with tanning beds, or starve themselves in an effort to be “beautiful.”  The author says “enough” about all of this effort to change the way God made you.  Accept how you are created, you are God’s masterpiece–and that is enough.

This book contains ten sections.  The author writes about emotions, social media, and following your heart.   And she does so in a very creative way.

For example, most teenage girls are very interested in boys.  But, a lot of them are disappointed in the type of boys that are usually interested in them.  Kate advises girls that if they aren’t getting attention from the right kind of guy, they need to change the “bait” they use.

In other words, the girl is the bait.  If she wants a guy to like her for her personality, she will need to focus on making her personality be what is most noticeable.  By the same token, if a girl dresses to draw attention to her body, then she will “catch” a guy whose interest in her is all about her physical attributes.

The author is a mother in her late 20’s, she is married to a pastor, and the two of them have been working with teens since college.  This fun read covers lots of serious topics with some great suggestions.  She states everything in life begins and ends with a solid faith in Christ.  I enjoyed it, and learned some things.  If you are a teen or have a teen in your house, this book is for you.  If you don’t fall into those categories, but want to understand teen girls a bit more, this 5-star book is also for you.  This book just might change a girl’s life.

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post, it has not influenced my judgment.  Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  Limit to USA & Canadian addresses only.

Author’s Blog:

Author’s Facebook:

Author’s Twitter:

I am happy to say I have a copy of  Enough:  Ten Things We Should be Telling Teenage Girls to give away.*

Enter your email address, which I will only use to contact you if you win.  I will never pass it on.  The best of luck to you.  You must live in the US or Canada, and enter only once, please.  No purchase necessary!*

Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is now over.

Congratulations Jasmine R., who won the copy of Enough: Ten Things We Should be Telling Teenage Girls.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

*See Disclaimer Section in above drop down heading under picture.

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One Response to Book Giveaway “Enough: Ten Things We Should be Telling Teenage Girls” by Kate Conner*

  1. Marjorie Roy says:

    I would like to win this for my granddaughter.

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