“What Love Looks Like” by James W. Goll

Book Cover What Love Looks Like








The Love of God

This book contains the true stories of twelve different people who are all involved in Christian ministry.  It is their account of the worst times in their lives, and how God broke through to help them.

Many of the incidents described are dreadful.  The situations run the gamut of living in horrific physical conditions, health crises that sometimes lead to death, or abandonment–physical, emotional or financial.  Some people also endured the harsh criticism of fellow believers and friends.

Then in the midst of this, something changed, and they all received fresh strength.  God Heart Shape Leaf and Sun Shining Through Free Usetouched them in a new way with His love, and that love manifested itself differently for each person.  In some, it took away despair, grief or hopelessness.  Others received the ability to greatly love those who had caused them to be ostracized, condemned or abandoned.

Some of the authors are still living through a difficult and trying time, their breakthrough did not involve removing them from a dire condition. But the touch of God, and feeling the power of His love, has made it possible for them to continue to minister to others–and to want to do so.

In other situations, love has made not only a big difference for the author personally, but has turned situations around.  Relationships that most people would believe were completely broken, with no chance of reconciliation, have been repaired.  Deep wounds between people have been mended through love, and those individuals are now working together joyfully.Heart Shape Two Hands with Sun Rays Free Use

The compiler called this a “raw book” and it is just that. This book’s subtitle refers to “darkest moments” that occurred in each of these contributors lives, and that is not an understatement.  Some of the chapters are harder to read than others, as they each tell the story of a very dark time these people have lived through.  Each author describes their own personal tsunami.   However, every single one cites the love of God for giving them the power, ability, and sometimes even joy, to go on no matter how dark their situations have seemed.

While this book was different than what I was expecting, it is well-written.  I recommend this 5-star book to those who like true–sometimes gritty–stories, and the people who have lived them.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of What Love Looks Like through Chosen Books for the purpose of review.  All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal.  Despite my receiving the book free, it has not influenced my judgment.

Author’s Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jamesgollpage

Author’s Website:  www.jamesgoll.com

Author’s Twitter:  https://twitter.com/JamesGoll

Author’s Blog:  https://lifechangingpower.wordpress.com/2015/10/10/7-declarations-for-5776-beyond-james-w-goll-franklin-tn/


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2 Responses to “What Love Looks Like” by James W. Goll

  1. Tom Tatum says:

    As an author, I can relate to this very well. When God called, I answered, and that has made all the difference in my life. Sharing His word with others through my writing is truly a blessing for me. I am thankful…

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