“Fire and Ice” by Mary Connealy

Book Cover Fire & Ice 2








For this Reason a Man Shall Leave his Mother…

Bailey Wilde just might be having a change of heart.  With both her sister’s moving away, Bailey is finding herself very lonesome on her remote ranch.   She is also tired of disguising herself as a man. Snow on Tree Free Use

Winters are long in the mountains, and can keep one homebound for months once the snow starts falling.  Midway through this mountain winter, Bailey is so desperate for another human’s company that she would gladly even welcome Gage Coulter.  Which is really saying something since Bailey spent the summer trying Snow in Field Free Useto shoot the man every time he approached her cabin.

Despite her home still being snowbound, Gage shows up at her door.  Not only is it shocking to see him, but the proposition he has for her is even more surprising.  More amazing still, is that Bailey agrees to it.

Didn’t you hear what your mother said to me?!

Before the story is over, Bailey will be pretending to be a wife–or maybe not pretending–and helping Gage deal with his overbearing mother.  Mrs. Coulter has traveled hundreds of miles to run his life again.  Finding that Gage has a wife only makes her jealous of losing Gage’s attention, and more determined than ever to control him.  Trouble is brewing when Gage either doesn’t notice, or turns a blind eye, on how his mother treats his wife.

Both Gage and Bailey will also be hard at work trying to solve the mystery of who has been setting deadly traps that have seriously injured Bailey, Gage and some of his best ranch hands.  This story has many twists and turns before uncovering the surprising culprit.Cowboy on Horse Rearing Up Free Use

Mary Connealy pens another hit.

I really enjoyed this story set in 1866.  It had mystery, romance, and some of this author’s trademark comedy, as well as, being written from a Christian point of view.  It even deals a bit with post traumatic stress disorder, and problems that arise when a husband doesn’t cut his ties from his mother’s unhealthy influences.  This fast-paced tale will capture your interest, and is a real page turner.  Although this is book three in the Wild at Heart series, this story can stand on its own.  I highly recommend this 5-star book to anyone who likes a well-written story, or fans of westerns, romances or mysteries.

“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” ~ Ephesians 5:31

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of Fire and Ice through Bethany House Publishing for the purpose of review.   I have not been compensated in any other manner.  All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal.

Author’s Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/maryconnealy

Author’s Website:  http://maryconnealy.com/

Author’s Website:  petticoatsandpistols.com

Author’s Blog:  mconnealy.blogspot.com

Author’s Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MaryConnealy

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2 Responses to “Fire and Ice” by Mary Connealy

  1. kelly @kellyblackwell says:

    Looks wonderful! She is so talented. Thank you for sharing your review!

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