Multi Use Taco Meat Gluten-Free



4 lb Ground Meat of choice:  Pork, Chicken or Beef

1 Chopped Onion

1 Tablespoon Chopped Garlic

1 Tablespoon Ground Cumin

Salt & Pepper to Taste

1 ½ Cups Pace

2 Tablespoons of Swerve or Sweetener of Choice

3 Tablespoons Chopped, Fresh Cilantro

1 bag of Frozen Peas, if desired, when using for tacos

In a very large skillet or Dutch Oven, brown the meat with onion.  As it cooks, break the cooking meat apart so it stays in small pieces instead of forming large clumps.   Drain the grease.  Stir in everything else, mixing well.  Bring it to a low boil, then reduce heat until it simmers.  Cook and stir for 15 minutes making sure it is done.

This meat mixture can be used in tacos, along with many other recipes.  Try adding to burritos, quiches, pizza, spaghetti sauce, etc.  Frozen containers of this pre-cooked meat in the freezer is a real time saver.  Having this ready to use in a variety of dishes can cut off lots of cooking time.  It can be used for both gluten and gluten-free entrees.






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