Giveaway! Happy Birthday September; Win a DVD plus a Book!!

Welcome September!

For me, this month has always meant the promise of cooler weather, the leaves changing colors, the start of football season, and birthdays—lots and lots of birthdays.  My Mom and grandfather both celebrated birthdays this month.   Besides family, I have known more people with September birthdays than all the other months put together.  Even I have a September birthday!

For decades, my Mom was known as “the candy lady” because she gave out sweet treats every Sunday after church. For the first time two years ago, we had to face September 13th, Mom’s birthday, without her.  But we couldn’t let the day pass without celebrating in some way.  In honor of her birthday, my family decided to attend Mom’s church and give candy out after the service.  That September day, many people shared their memories of Mom with us.

Even if you don’t have a birthday this month, the promise of cooler weather is enough to call for a celebration.  In my neck of the woods, we are usually extremely ready to bid the hot, humid temperatures goodbye.  In recognition of September and the start of football, I am giving away a DVD of the great movie, Facing the Giants. This movie can be seen by all ages, and you do not have to be a fan of football to enjoy it.  This story entertains, touches people’s hearts and is not easily forgotten.

Additionally, this giveaway includes the book, Oregon Weddings by Kathleen E. KovachCan Skye rescue a woman who happens to be the mother who abandoned him?   Meranda is on the hunt for family treasure, can she find it without help?  Glenys must face her biggest fear, will anyone be able to get her through it?  These three stories will pull you in, and include faith in the mix.  

Want a chance to win? My blog must be followed to enter this giveaway.   Go to the upper right side of this page and follow my blog.  Then note in the Rafflecopter your email address, and that you have followed me, or you already are a follower.  I will use your email address to contact you if you win, and will not pass it on.  The best of luck to you.  You must be a resident in the continental USA and 18 or older.  No purchase necessary! *

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from Walking with Jesus in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.   Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

Giveaways only valid in continental USA.

*See Disclaimer Section in above drop-down heading under picture.

This giveaway is now over.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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69 Responses to Giveaway! Happy Birthday September; Win a DVD plus a Book!!

  1. kim hansen says:

    Enjoying cooler weather

  2. Julie Waldron says:

    September means back to school and the start of the fall season.

  3. Darlene Owen says:

    September means I am a year older.

  4. Janet Estridge says:

    September to me means a lot of birthdays in my family.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  5. Pingback: Giveaway List 9/14 – Cats in the Cradle Blog

  6. Dianna says:

    September means cooler camping days for me.

    • Becky says:

      Having camped in the height of summer with intense humidity, I agree Dianna, it is much more fun to camp during the cooler weather! Blessings!!

  7. Dianna says:

    Happy September birthday! No one in my immediate family has a September birthday.

  8. Nancy says:

    To me, September means back to school time!

  9. kathy agate says:

    cooler weather, falls coming

    • Becky says:

      Yes, it is Kathy! My mom and my birthday were 15 days apart. On most years, we usually noticed a definite change in the weather. Most of the time, it was still summerish on her day, but when mine got here, we could feel the cooler weather starting to come. Blessings!!

  10. wen says:

    September means cooler weather and the beginning of Fall.

    • Becky says:

      I always enjoyed the fall weather, Wen. The period when the heat has gone, but the cold weather hasn’t come yet is wonderful! Blessings!!

  11. B.J. Justice Bernal says:

    September is very important to me I celebrate my wedding anniversary on September 21st. It will make 12 years this year. It’s also my youngest son’s birthday month.

  12. Robin says:

    September means to me I get a year older 🙂

  13. Regina says:

    September means cooler weather is coming.

  14. Becky says:

    Yes it does Regina. Blessings!

  15. Debra Oehlberg says:

    My birthday and all the bday freebies and time off to be lazy while the family does stuff around the house!!

    • Becky says:

      Oh, Debra, my Mom had so much fun with those. We discovered them for the last 5 birthdays she had. The years she turned 87 thru 91 (she almost made it to 92), she was thrilled to go the different places that offered her birthday treats. Blessings!

  16. Carolsue says:

    September means the holidays are coming up soon!

  17. Becky says:

    Yes, Carolsue they are just around the corner. Blessings!

  18. Kristy Graboski says:

    September is the month of my wedding anniversary and it means i can decorate my house for fall!

    • Becky says:

      Congratulations, Kristy, on your wedding anniversary. We haven’t had any September weddings or anniversaries, but you never know what the future may bring! Blessings!!

  19. Margaret Porter says:

    It means time with family, football, fall festivals and bonfires

  20. Laura says:

    September means cooler weather! Which is good. 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Yes, it does. At our house yesterday, the temperature climbed to 90 degrees. Today the weather has returned to “normal” for this time of year! Blessings!!

  21. Sarah says:

    September means back to school and staying on top of schedules.

    • Becky says:

      When school starts, lots of extra activities for children start, too. Keeping everyone’s schedules straight can make life a lot easier! Blessings, Sarah!!

  22. Leland Lee says:

    Love the cooler waether

  23. Xia Lee says:

    Apple picking

  24. Becky says:

    Apple orchards ready for harvest have always been a sign of fall for me, too, Xia Lee! Blessings!!

  25. Rosalind Gutierrez says:

    Fall means the fun holidays are coming like thanksgiving and Christmas.

  26. Becky says:

    Rosalind, I adore it when the fall wreaths, turkeys and gourds come out for decorations. They are then followed by Christmas. September ushers in those fun things! Blessings!!

  27. LeAnn Harbert says:

    Football games with my boys.

  28. June S. says:

    What September means to me? Cool crisp air, tree’s turning pretty colors, and great sleeping weather too.

  29. Anne Perry says:

    September means letting go.

    • Becky says:

      I agree Anne. As the third chapter of Ecclesiastes says, “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….” Blessings!!

  30. Megan Evans says:

    September means the end of the hot AZ summers and the start of my favorite time of year.

  31. deanna says:

    September means pumpkin spice smoothies, sweaters, and snuggling. It also means raking leaves which is the worst.

    • Becky says:

      You are right about the good things Deanna! When the leaves started falling at one place we lived, it took 50 bags to rake them all up–a week later, our yard looked like we had never raked! Blessings!!

  32. desiree says:

    the fall color and then perparing my bed for winter

    • Becky says:

      Desiree, my dad loved to grow roses, and he spent lots of time taking care of them. When fall came, he always carefully “put his roses to bed,” covering them to withstand the cold winter. Blessings!!

  33. Audrey Stewart says:

    All Fall means to me is winter is coming. I hate the cold. My cats hate the cold.Even my car hates it.

    • Becky says:

      A fond memory I have is my mom telephoning me during the winter. She would tell me both she and her kitty were so cold they were snuggled together with a blanket! Blessings Audrey!!

  34. Kelly Woods says:

    Celebrating my baby girl that I lost. Her birthday is September 28. She would have been 16 this year.

  35. Shakeia Rieux says:

    Enjoying the weather and being able to go fishing, and also watch football.

  36. Leela says:

    It means Fall and pomegranates.

  37. Sherri J says:

    September means the beginning of fall and then the onset of the holiday season.

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