“I Almost Gave Up” by P. J. Ingram-McPhee

Book Cover I Almost Gave Up...

 Look For The Humor

This is a memoir of the author’s life that includes stories from her childhood, as well as, her adult life.  She has lived a very interesting life that she recalls with lots of humor.  Ms. Ingram-McPhee is the daughter of a pastor, and writes from a Christian point-of-view.  She emphasizes how God has helped her, especially during difficult times in life.

The author has had more than her fair share of freak accidents and illnesses.  For instance, the author relates a time when she was driving a company car, and the rear view mirror fell off.  As it fell, the mirror hit her, part of it broke off and embedded itself in her knee.  This resulted in lots bleeding, swelling and the inability to walk when she tried to get out of the car.

Really, all of this from a mirror falling off?  Yes, Ms. Ingram-McPhee was not only badly hurt, she suffered much pain and injury, ultimately leading to surgery to fix her knee.  Amazingly, years later, it happened to her again, this time while driving her own car.  She had to go through everything once more.  However, the author tries to see life from a positive perspective, sees the amusement in the situation, and describes it from that viewpoint.

She relates another mishap that occurred when she had her ears pierced, the awful problems that caused, and the humorous treatments she suffered attempting to fix her ears.   She recalls home remedies that were very uncomfortable, and only made things worse.  Once more, the author strives to look at things with a optimistic viewpoint, and lots of whimsy.

Ms. Ingram-McPhee  comes across as a very sincere person with an interesting life story.  She tells her tales sincerely in a clean and inoffensive way.  Unfortunately, the book is really hurt by its lack of editing.  Some of the reminiscences are told in a choppy manner, and there is not always a smooth transition.  That can make it difficult to read, and cause the story not to make sense.  This 4-star book deserves to reach a wider audience and have a broader appeal, and I believe more editing would do that.  Never-the-less, this short sixty-three page book gave me some chuckles, and appreciation for the author’s faith.

I’d like to thank the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of review.  All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest review.

Author Information:      http://www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore/9781478716419.html

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